One Nation Under God

Jackie Huey

My Campaign Focus:

To go into more detail why I am on my soap box; let me share with you the legal voter why I am passionate about these issues; that I see as people who are having these issues. That is what it is all about; the people who have been caught into the traps of life due to bad decisions that have grown dimmer and dimmer as their lives have been going down the path of destruction.

My Story:

Growing up I was exposed to being around the homeless as my background of my aunts and grandma were the Salvation Army. We would march in the Open-Air Parades and then go to the mission where we would sing in front of the homeless, mostly men. Later in life, my brother and our friends would go down to Seattle and be around the homeless observing them. And still when even later in life going to the streets to feed those in need. We invited a few homeless to come and live with us for a season. We used our money to help them, we did not ask anyone to help pay for any expenses.

I was asked to lead to become the Director of the Silver Lake Chapel Food Bank that later became All Nations Food Bank in Everett, Washington. We were part of the Snohomish County Foodbank Coalition with Volunteers of America as our Mother Ship. Our motto at our food bank was “MORE THAN FOOD.” The vision was to help those in need to come and receive the food and supplies we offered. Our food bank attitude changed the client’s lives in many cases.

I have been around the homeless, that appeared to be helpless, even hopeless to see that their lives if they wanted to be changed. I can lead with sound solutions that can help change what is happening here in Washington State!

I will bring vision and strategies and facilitating of the plan to improve the livelihood of our citizens who are being exposed and torn apart with their businesses as well as safely navigating around our communities! I will say again

“A whole lot of money has been spent that I have seen no improvement.

I will be a woman who will share my experiences and know-how about homelessness and having the organizational skills to make things happen.

I believe I am the one to lead a team to go about doing what I know how to do and having on the team people who have the passion and compassion as well as the moments of confronting issues when at hand! The homeless do not have any rights over those who own properties who are tax payers. We are all equal, however each one has the option to pay for what they want with meaning to say IF the homeless want to have a better more accommodating life, then changing their motives, attitudes, their rights to work with those who really want to help them. It works both ways.

There are different types of homelessness that need to be addressed putting them into categories that will help identify their needs and what we as tax payers can do. This is only a bit and piece of what I see can be possible; along with others who have the know-how as well to work as a team and even part of the team asking representatives from the homeless community who wants to see life better to be part of to make changes!

I would also look into the drug scene. We know that fentanyl drug is out of control and the leading coming from foreign countries from those who are entering our nations unlawfully. I do not support and will never support the unlawful migrants coming here and definitely not co-sponsor a bill such as SHB 2368 funding migrants unlawfully to live here with the tax payer’s money of which my opponent not only supported and voted for but co-sponsored! This bill as well as other actions of the elected officials is like putting out a sign saying “Come to Washington State and get freebies!”

I believe in having a safe environment therefore the candidates running for office need to believe they are representing American Citizens first and foremost! As Americans what I have observed over my years of life when we are prospering, we share and help other countries; however, when we are being taxed out of our livelihood and control, we cannot help anyone let alone other countries. The government taking from us what they think we should have to give up is not what I agree with and support.

Thank you for taking the time to read at length my story and beliefs in what I will bring to Olympia as your voice to be heard! I ask of you as a Citizen of the USA that you would be part of helping me by communicating what you see and what you hear and what you experience to reveal what is happening in your neighborhood and place of influence. Let us do this together! We the people!

Best Regards Always!

About Me

There are times when there is a battle that must be addressed in order to fulfill what needs to be done. I will choose my battles.

My passion and love for creating an atmosphere and the planning of events for decades has been a fulfillment in my life. I love to bring people together as well as assisting many in organizing their lives, homes, businesses, organizations; the list goes on and on. I have many stories and memories that will last for me that I share with those who are interested in order to encourage them to be all that they want to be.

I was born in the Swedish Hospital in Seattle Washington; being a born and bred Washingtonian. I understand how our community works and thrives. My dad, a Swedish legal Immigrant, my mom’s mom a Norwegian legal Immigrant I relish the idea of people coming from other countries as it was when the bold and brave people came here to find the country as well and later settlers paid heavy prices to find a land of the free! The freedom to worship God the Creator!

I am married to my husband, Charlie. We will celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary this December. We have one son, Joshua and three granddaughters; Eliana, Hazel, and Lucy I love being a mom and grandma!